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Synastry Venus Semi-Square Pluto: No Aspect Involving Pluto is Minor

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and relationships, and Pluto, the planet of transformation, intensity, and power, are brought into a sense of friction and irritation with the semi-square aspect, which is 45 degrees apart, making it challenging for them to work harmoniously together.

While the effects of this aspect are not as strong as the square, the qualities are similar, and no aspect involving Pluto is minor.

The orb to consider is up to 2° (up to 3° for minor aspects involving Sun or Moon), with orbs of less than 1° being the most potent aspect influences.

In synastry, Venus semi-square Pluto can present as a slightly challenging aspect to navigate, as it often brings up issues related to power dynamics, control, jealousy, and possessiveness in relationships. This aspect creates an intense and often complicated emotional dynamic between partners.

However, similar to other Venus-Pluto aspects, it can also indicate a strong physical and sexual attraction, as well as a depth of emotional intimacy and transformative power within the relationship.

When Venus and Pluto come together in a challenging aspect like the semi-square, tension and conflict may be difficult to resolve without conscious effort and communication. While the semi-square is considered a minor aspect, the power of Pluto should not be underestimated.

In my experience, when this aspect appears in a synastry chart, other factors related to control and tension may also be present and should be examined to fully understand the potential for balance and harmony in the relationship.

Furthermore, it's crucial to consider the strength of these planets in the individuals' natal charts when evaluating the significance of this aspect in synastry. For instance, if one of the individuals has a dominant Pluto in their natal chart, the Venus semi-square Pluto aspect in synastry may hold more significance and impact in the overall dynamics of the relationship.

It's important to note that Venus semi-square Pluto in synastry is far from being a relationship death sentence, but rather a call to awareness. With conscious effort, open communication, and a willingness to work through the underlying issues, couples with this aspect in their synastry can build strong and transformative relationships that grow and evolve through the challenges they face together.

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