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Synastry Sun Conjunct Eros: Erotic Flames

When the Sun is conjunct Eros in synastry, it creates a powerful dynamic of attraction, passion, and self-expression within the relationship.

The Sun represents our essential self, our ego, and our life force, while Eros symbolizes our capacity for passion, sexual attraction, sexual objectification, and romantic longing. Discovered in 1898 and named after the Greek god of love, Eros is the first near-Earth asteroid to be found and has been studied extensively since its discovery. In mythology, Eros was considered irresistible, embodying the essence of sexual love and desire.

In synastry, Eros plays a significant role in sexual chemistry and romantic attraction between partners. When the Sun and Eros align in synastry, it suggests a relationship where attraction and self-expression are deeply intertwined. The house placement of Eros in synastry can show which life areas are energized by the relationship's passion.

In this configuration, the Sun person is likely to feel strongly drawn to the Eros person, experiencing a powerful pull towards their energy and essence. The Eros person, in turn, may feel their desires awakened and intensified by the Sun person's presence. 

There's often a sense of mutual appreciation and admiration, both feel sexy around each other. The Sun person feel that the Eros person brings out their best qualities. Meanwhile, the Eros person might find the Sun person's confidence and vitality irresistible. This aspect can ignite creativity and passion in both individuals, inspiring each other to express themselves more fully.

The sexual attraction in this pairing is usually strong and immediate, with a palpable energy between the two that others can sense. The Sun person may feel more desirable and confident due to the Eros person's attraction, while the Eros person might feel more passionate and alive in the Sun person's presence.

It's important to note that as Eros orbits the Sun relatively quickly for an asteroid, its strength depends on the tightness of the orb; closer conjunctions have a more pronounced effect. However, even with wider orbs, the Sun-Eros conjunction can still contribute significantly to the overall synastry picture, especially when supported by other harmonious aspects.


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