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Synastry Aspects That Make Couples Last

No single aspect definitively determines the quality or duration of a relationship. Instead, it's the interplay between harmonious and challenging aspects, coupled with the individual timing and readiness for love, that shapes the depth and longevity of a meaningful connection.

Yet, there are some synastry aspects that are widely considered favorable and are frequently found in long-lasting relationships. These aspects may indicate that you've found the right partner.

Sun Conjunct Descendant

The Descendant is the cusp of the 7th house, which represents partnerships and relationships, including romantic ones. When the Sun of one person aligns with the Descendant of their partner, it can indicate a deep connection and compatibility in terms of identity, self-expression, and partnership dynamics.

This aspect can bring about a sense of balance and harmony in the relationship, with both partners valuing and appreciating each other's unique qualities. It can also signify a strong sense of attraction and magnetism between the individuals, as the Sun represents vitality, energy, and self-confidence.

The 7th house partner sees the Sun person as an ideal partner.

Sun in the 7th house is very significant as well.

Moon Conjunct Descendant

The Descendant is the cusp of the 7th house, which represents relationships and partnerships, including romantic ones.

When the Moon of one person aligns with the Descendant of their partner, it can indicate a high level of emotional compatibility, sensitivity, and understanding between the individuals.

This aspect suggests that the emotional needs and nurturing qualities of the Moon are in alignment with the partnership dynamics and interactions represented by the Descendant. There may be a strong emotional bond and shared emotional intimacy in the relationship, with both partners valuing each other's emotional well-being and being attuned to each other's feelings.

Moon in the 7th house is very significant as well.

Sun or Moon conjunct North Node

When the Sun or the Moon of one partner conjuncts the North Node of the other, it suggests that the planet person has a significant and perhaps even a karmic role in the North Node person's life journey. There's a sense of destiny or purpose associated with these connections, and the partnership is seen as having a significant role in the individuals' personal growth and fulfillment of their life's path

If such relationship evolves, the partners may feel that the universe is bringing them together to work on important lessons and experiences represented by the North Node. These connections can be intense and transformative, and contribute to a deep sense of purpose and destiny in the relationship.

Ascendant conjunct North Node

The conjunction of the Ascendant with the North Node in synastry signifies a profound sense of destiny and shared purpose.

The North Node symbolizes the future and the life path one is destined to pursue. When an individual's Ascendant, associated with their persona and outward expression, closely aligns with another's North Node, it suggests that the latter plays an essential role in the former's personal growth and development.

The relationship may feel fated, as if you are drawn to each other for a particular reason. There's a sense of destiny and a feeling that being with this person is an important part of your life journey. This aspect can foster personal growth and evolution for both individuals involved.

Sun or Moon Conjunct, opposition or square Sun/Moon Midpoint

The Sun/Moon Midpoint is determined by finding the middle point between an individual's Sun and Moon positions in their birth chart, symbolizing a balance between their conscious and emotional characteristics.

When the Sun/Moon midpoint of one individual aligns with a planet or significant point in their partner's chart, it generates a potent energetic dynamic. This alignment implies a profound drive to integrate the conscious attributes of the Sun and the subconscious facets of the Moon, facilitated by the influence of the planet person.

Sun or Moon conjunctions to the Sun/Moon midpoint are considered to be the most prominent and significant aspects in synastry, indicating a potential for a lasting relationship. Opposition are also strong and the square and semi-square are nice to have as well.

Sun or Moon Conjunct, opposition or square Vertex

The Vertex, referred to as the "electric axis" in astrology, serves as a sensitive point believed to symbolize destined encounters and pivotal connections in an individual's life, particularly in relationships. Often associated with karmic or preordained meetings, the Vertex holds significant astrological implications.

When the luminaries form a conjunction with the Vertex, their influence profoundly impacts the Vertex individual, illuminating its energy and fostering a deep connection with the core essence of the planet person. Such aspects frequently signify enduring and meaningful relationships.

Additionally, when other planets conjoin the Vertex, they amplify its magnetic potency, marking these alignments as significant contributors to the dynamics and intensity of connections formed.

Moon Conjunct, trine or sextile Moon

Moon conjunction, trine, or sextile Moon are aspects commonly found in long-lasting relationships. They indicate emotional compatibility and a harmonious connection between partners. It denotes to the emotional attunement between partners.

Moon represents our emotions, nurturing, and instincts, and when it forms a conjunction, trine, or sextile aspect with the Moon of another person, it suggests that the emotional needs of both partners are well-matched and understood by each other.

This can contribute to forming an emotional bond and mutual support in a relationship, enhancing the potential for longevity and lasting love.

The opposition between is also commonly found, but Squares between moons aren’t, as they are very difficult to manage.

Sun Conjunct Ascendant

The Ascendant, also known as the Rising Sign, represents how we present ourselves to the world and how we interact with others.

Sun represents our identity, self-expression, and vitality. When Sun forms a conjunction aspect with the Ascendant of another person, it suggests a strong alignment and compatibility in terms of their self-expression and outward projection to the world.

Trines and sextiles, as well as having the Sun in the 1st house, are also considered favorable aspects in synastry.

Moon Conjunct Ascendant

Moon conjunct or opposite Ascendant are aspects that can suggest a deep emotional connection and understanding between partners in a long-lasting relationship.

This aspect indicates a strong emotional presence and responsiveness towards each other, which can create a nurturing and supportive dynamic in the relationship.

Trines and sextiles, as well as having the Moon in the 1st house, are also considered favorable aspects in synastry.

Sun Conjunct, Trine or Sextile Jupiter

This favorable synastry aspect suggests a sense of optimism, expansion, and abundance in the partnership. There may be a shared vision for the future and a mutual desire for growth and adventure.

This aspect can bring a sense of enthusiasm, generosity, and even good fortune to the relationship, creating an harmonious and uplifting dynamic. Awesome "vibe".

Sun in harmonious aspect to Jupiter indicate shared beliefs and philosophical outlooks, contributing to a positive and enduring partnership.

The conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter is the most enjoyable and stronger than the Trine and Sextile.

Moon Conjunct, Trine or Sextile Jupiter

This synastry aspect brings an emotional abundance and positive energy to the partnership.

There's shared emotional growth, nurturing, and a harmonious connection. In the conjunction, the emotional bond is profound. In the trine, emotions flow naturally, and in the sextile, there's an easy, supportive emotional atmosphere. It's like having a constant source of emotional sunshine, fostering optimism, abundance, and a strong emotional connection. This aspect contributes to lasting positive feeling in a partnership.

Venus in aspect to Mars

In synastry, when Venus aligns with Mars, it signifies a unique interplay between love and passion. This aspect holds the potential for both emotional connection and physical intimacy within the relationship, creating a remarkable chemistry between partners.

Conjunctions, trines, and sextiles are traditionally seen as favorable for long-lasting relationships, as they indicate a harmonious fusion of love and passion. Yet, some find the opposition between Venus and Mars to be particularly stimulating, as it continues to fuel the flames of desire.

Conversely, squares between one partner's Venus and the other's Mars, although intense, are not without their challenges. These aspects suggest that while passion remains strong, differences in love and sexual expression can lead to conflicts, making the relationship more vulnerable.

Read More about Synastry Venus Trine or sextile Mars

Sun in harmonious aspect to Saturn

When the Sun in one person's chart forms a harmonious connection with Saturn in their partner's chart, it lays the foundation for a relationship marked by stability, maturity, and commitment. This aspect indicates a potential for long-term compatibility and mutual growth.

Trines and sextiles between the Sun and Saturn in synastry are particularly favorable for a lasting and stable partnership. They signify that the individuals share a deep sense of responsibility and commitment towards each other.

Conjunctions, Oppositions and Squares between the Sun and Saturn in synastry can present challenges. While they may introduce power struggles and obstacles into the relationship, they also indicate a strong commitment to working through these difficulties. The result is often a deep and lasting connection. Couples with these aspects are willing to invest in each other, even in the face of adversity.

Venus Trine or Sextile Saturn

When Venus forms a Trine or Sextile aspect with Saturn, it lays the foundation for a relationship marked by stability, endurance, and commitment.

Trines and sextiles between Venus and Saturn are particularly auspicious for long-lasting relationships. These aspects indicate that there's a natural alignment between the partners values, and they share a deep sense of commitment based on agreement, love, and physical presence.

Their connection is characterized by loyalty and a mature understanding of love, which helps sustain the relationship over time.

Conjunctions, oppositions and squares involving Venus and Saturn can present challenges, but they also signify a commitment to working through these difficulties, and are also quite commonly found in lasting relationships.

Venus in harmonious aspect to Pluto

When Venus harmoniously aligns with Pluto in synastry, it creates a profound and passionate connection. This aspect signifies an intense bond, intimate, emotional and sexual, that can be deeply transformative for both partners.

While conjunctions involving Pluto can be intense and challenging, they also indicate the potential for profound emotional and transformative experiences within the relationship.

Trines and sextiles, on the other hand, signify a very strong and lasting bond, often characterized by extremely intense sexual chemistry.

However, it's important to note that harsh Venus-Pluto aspects, the Square and opposition aspects can be challenging to manage and hard to break free from.


Synastry is more than just reviewing aspects! For the best relationship advice, it's essential to examine the entire chart to understand the dynamics that make it strong or volatile. Get a professional astrology consultation with top astrologers on Choose from the best, top-rated experts with extensive experience, and try your first 5 minutes for just $1.

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