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Synastry Insights: Exploring the Challenging Aspects

In astrology, an aspect refers to the angular relationship between two or more celestial bodies, typically planets, within a chart. Aspects are determined by the degrees of separation between the planets.

In synastry, the difficult aspects are those that create tension, conflict, and challenges in the relationship.

The Conjunction- O Degrees Apart

The conjunction is an aspect in astrology that occurs when two planets are in close proximity to each other, usually within a few degrees. It is considered a strong and powerful aspect because the energies of the two planets blend and merge together, intensifying their combined influence. The conjunction aspect in synastry can manifest in both challenging and supportive dynamics between two individuals. On one hand, it signifies a strong blending of energies, as the two planets are closely aligned in the same zodiac sign and degree. This can create a sense of closeness and shared values, leading to a deep connection and understanding.

However, on the other hand, the conjunction can also bring about challenges as the energies of the two planets may become intensified or amplified. The specific planets involved play a crucial role in determining the nature of the dynamic between the individuals in synastry.

For instance, a conjunction of Jupiter with a personal planet, such as the Sun, Moon, Venus, or Mars, can bring about expansive and positive energies, including growth, optimism, and abundance. This can be highly supportive and create a sense of ease and flow in the relationship.

On the contrary, a conjunction involving Saturn, often associated with restrictions, responsibilities, and limitations, with a personal planet may pose more challenges. It may bring about a sense of duty, obligation, or seriousness that can feel burdensome or restrictive in the relationship. This requires careful navigation, open communication, and understanding to avoid potential conflicts.

The Square - 90 Degrees Apart

The square aspect is formed between planets that are 90 degrees apart, and they are typically of the same modality.

In astrology, the zodiac signs are divided into three modalities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Each modality represents a different approach to initiating, stabilizing, and adapting to change.

The square aspect can lead to power struggles, misunderstandings, and clashes of will. This aspect may manifest in various ways depending on the planets involved and the qualities of the signs.

For example, Venus square Mars can still create intense chemistry between partners, but may also result in clashes that are confined to the bedroom.

Similarly, Sun-Moon square, though complex, can be very binding in the long run as it challenges the dynamics of the core self (Sun) and emotions (Moon).

However, squares involving Mars, Saturn, Pluto, or Uranus may be particularly harsh to deal with in relationships. The nature of the signs involved can also play a role, as Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) are generally more adaptable and open to compromise, while Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) may struggle with flexibility and find it difficult to compromise.

It's important to be aware of the challenges posed by the square aspect in synastry and to work on communication, understanding, and finding common ground to navigate through the tension it can bring.

The Opposition - 180 Degrees Apart

The opposition is another important aspect in astrology. It occurs when two planets are approximately 180 degrees apart in the zodiac. The opposition represents a dynamic relationship between the planets involved, characterized by tension and a need for balance.

This aspect creates a sense of polarity in the relationship, as the energies of the two planets are in direct opposition to each other. This can lead to a push-pull dynamic in the relationship as partners struggle to find balance between their conflicting energies.

For example, Mars in opposition to Pluto in synastry can create intense dynamics between two individuals, with potential for power struggles and clashes of egos.

However, opposition aspects can also work well with certain planets.

For instance, a Venus-Mars opposition may signify a strong and lasting sexual attraction between partners.

Similarly, Sun oppositions can work positively.

In fact, harmonious planets in opposition to the other's ascendant can imply a good match, as the ascendant partner sees the seventh house planet as an ideal partner. Therefore, the outcome of opposition aspects depends on the specific planets involved and their placement in the individuals' natal charts.

The opposition is often seen as a reflection of the external or projected parts of ourselves. It symbolizes the interactions and conflicts we experience in our relationships with others.

The Inconjunct/Quincunx - 150 Degrees Apart

The inconjunct, also known as the quincunx aspect, occurs when two planets are approximately 150 degrees apart. This aspect can create a sense of unfamiliarity in certain areas of the relationship, as the energies of the two planets are inconjunct or not in alignment with each other. This can result in differences in expression and reception, communication styles, and other areas of relating.

For example, Venus inconjunct Pluto may manifest as differences in love languages, where the partners are strongly attracted to each other but struggle to understand and fulfill each other's emotional needs.

It may feel like they are speaking different languages or operating from different perspectives.

In such cases, seeking counseling or open communication can be beneficial in bridging the gap and developing a deeper understanding of each other's unique ways of relating.


Difficult aspects in synastry are not necessarily a guarantee of problems in the relationship. With awareness, understanding, and communication, the partners can work through the challenges and grow together.

Additionally, other factors in the synastry chart, such as harmonious aspects or compatible placements, can mitigate the challenges posed by difficult aspects.

Examples of the dynamics created by a challenging aspect:

Mars in a challenging aspect to Saturn: This aspect can create a sense of frustration and conflict in the relationship, as the energies of Mars (action) and Saturn (restriction) clash with each other. This can lead to a sense of limitation and lack of progress in the relationship.

Sun in a challenging aspect to Pluto: This aspect can create a sense of power struggles and control issues in the relationship, as the energies of the Sun (identity) and Pluto (transformation) clash with each other. This can lead to a sense of manipulation and possessiveness in the relationship.

Moon in a challenging aspect to Pluto: This aspect can create a sense of emotional intensity and power struggles in the relationship, as the energies of the Moon (emotions) and Pluto (transformation) clash with each other. This can lead to a sense of possessiveness and control issues in the relationship.

Mercury in a challenging aspect to Mars: This aspect can create a sense of conflict and misunderstandings in the relationship, as the energies of Mercury (communication) and Mars (action) clash with each other. This can lead to arguments and difficulties in communicating effectively with each other.

Venus in a challenging aspect to Saturn: This aspect can create a sense of limitation and restriction in the relationship, as the energies of Venus (love) and Saturn (restriction) clash with each other. This can lead to a sense of emotional distance and a lack of intimacy in the relationship.

The Impact of Transits on Challenging Aspects in Synastry

Challenging aspects in synastry, such as squares, oppositions, or inconjunctions, can be further amplified and triggered by transits.

Transits are the current positions of planets in the sky that can activate the energies of planets in the natal charts of two individuals in a relationship. When a transiting planet forms a hard aspect to a challenging aspect in synastry, it can intensify the dynamics of the aspect, leading to increased tension, conflicts, or challenges in the relationship during the time of the transit.

For example, if two individuals have a challenging Mars-Saturn square in their synastry chart, a transit of another planet forming a square or opposition to Mars or Saturn can exacerbate the existing dynamics of this aspect. This may manifest as heightened power struggles, frustrations, or conflicts between the two individuals during the time of the transit.

It's important to be mindful of the potential impact of transits on challenging aspects in synastry and approach them with understanding.

It's also worth remembering that astrology is a multifaceted tool, and the specific outcomes of any transit will depend on various factors, such as the individual's natal chart, the nature of the aspect, and the overall dynamics of the relationship.


When it comes to analyzing relationships in astrology, it's important to remember that no single aspect or placement can fully determine the success or failure of a partnership. While certain aspects in synastry may suggest potential challenges or areas of tension, it's crucial to consider the broader context of the charts and the timing of the relationship.

graphic explanation of challenging aspects in Astrology


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