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Chiron Transit Conjunct Natal Venus: Healing to Complete

In astrology, Chiron transit conjunct natal Venus holds deep significance. Chiron, known as the "wounded healer," represents our deepest wounds and our capacity to heal them, along with the transformational power that emerges from embracing one’s own wounds, while Venus symbolizes love, beauty, and values. When these two celestial bodies interact, they highlight areas of vulnerability, self-worth, and our ability to give and receive love. At the end of this transit, one may heal to the point of comprehending that the meaning of “to love,” yourself and others, is to value.

Chiron transits are long-lasting and can be particularly intense, depending on the sign and other major transits occurring simultaneously. The dignity of your Venus and natal aspects to it also affect the strength of this transit's influence. Chiron's pace through the zodiac varies, and he stays the longest in Pisces and Aries. A Chiron conjunction to Aries Venus can take about 1.5 years to unfold.

During this period, you may experience times of deep longing or a sense of being cut off from close personal relationships, leading to regret and overthinking past relationships. This influence often brings a feeling that there is not enough love to fill the void within, even if that isn't the case. It's as if a wound starts to bleed on its own, and you begin to pick at it while it bleeds.

The same influence and feeling of pain, also confers enormous empathy and sympathy for others in emotional need, often driving the impulse to rescue or protect them. The Chiron effect is the idea that a healer who has experienced trauma can use that experience to provide more effective, empathic healing to others.

Chiron's influence is not solely about pain; it is also about healing. This period provides an opportunity to confront your pain and begin the healing process.

Remember that this influence is temporary and should be seen as a chance to work through your deepest issues. By showing compassion to both yourself and your loved ones, you can pave the way for more fulfilling relationships.

During a Chiron transit conjunct natal Venus, you have the chance to build new bridges and share your bare nature with your loved ones. Previous emotional or physical pain may have hindered you from fully sharing your thoughts and feelings in relationships. You might even find yourself revisiting and healing old relationships that you had previously thought irretrievable, for conclusion and closure.

This influence often affects our relationship with our physical bodies. Many people feel vulnerable about their bodies, often masking or working on them due to insecurity or shame. Painful experiences from childhood or puberty often cause wounds in our relationship with our bodies, and these wounds may resurface during Chiron transits.

Under this influence, there is no need to fear being hurt or rejected anew. Instead, you have the opportunity to recognize and accept these old wounds. The love and understanding of your partner can aid you in acknowledging and admitting your vulnerability. Trust that, despite your wounds, you can still be loved—or, even better, try to accept yourself in your hurt state. Encounters during this time require courage to confront old wounds and overcome the fear of new injuries. Simultaneously, they offer the possibility of freeing yourself from fear and false expectations, allowing you to experience this liberation in a new physical identity.

Ultimately, the practical application of Chiron's transits involves using these periods as opportunities for self-improvement and personal growth. By understanding the nature of Chiron transits, we can better navigate these periods and use them as opportunities for reconnecting with hidden parts of ourselves. This process can lead to a more solid, greater sense of self-worth. This is the essence of "healing to complete."

My Personal Experience with Chiron Transit Conjunct my Natal Venus

I experienced a Chiron transit conjunct my Venus quite recently. Not everyone experiences it similarly, and the strength of one's natal Venus is a factor to the extent of the cycle and its manifestation. I experienced firsthand the profound physical manifestations this celestial pattern can bring. When Chiron was approximately 3 degrees from my Venus, I was diagnosed with celiac disease—an autoimmune condition where the body essentially attacks itself in response to gluten.

For nearly two years, I navigated the challenges of this condition with little improvement in my symptoms. The physical manifestation seemed to perfectly mirror the Chiron-Venus themes: my body was literally rejecting nourishment (Venus) and turning against itself (Chiron's wound).

What proved most remarkable was the timing of my healing journey. It wasn't until Chiron approached to less than one degree from my Venus—almost exact conjunction—that medical results began showing improvement. This precise timing revealed something profound about Chiron transits: sometimes the deepest healing begins only when we reach the heart of the transit, not during its approach.

The Chiron Myth

Chiron, born to the Titan Cronus and the nymph Philyra, was abandoned by his parents. Despite his painful beginnings, he was adopted by Apollo and Artemis, who recognized his extraordinary talents. Chiron demonstrated great skill as a healer, teacher, and prophet, becoming a mentor to many Greek heroes, including Hercules.

Tragically, Chiron was accidentally poisoned by one of Hercules' arrows coated with the deadly venom of the Hydra. Despite his vast knowledge of healing, Chiron could not cure his own wound and endured enormous pain. Unable to die due to his immortality, he eventually chose to relinquish his immortality in exchange for the release of Prometheus from eternal punishment. Thus, Chiron's suffering ended, and he was honored with a place among the stars as the constellation Centaurus. This myth underscores Chiron's role as the "wounded healer," symbolizing the journey from suffering to wisdom and the ability to heal others.

Woman healing through pain



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