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Synastry Insights: Sexual Compatibility Through Venus-Mars Aspects

I must admit, there are moments when I can't resist creating a synastry chart with someone I've just met. It's like a quick peek into the potential for great chemistry and, let's be honest, fantastic sex – something quite crucial for me..

The same goes for my friends navigating the labyrinth of dating apps, trying to decide where to invest their time among a myriad of dating options. I can assist in their decision-making with just a glance at their synastry charts, even without an accurate time of birth. There are certain indicators that hint at lasting attraction and sparks of chemistry that can endure for years, and a harmonious Venus-Mars combination is one of them.

That being said, it's important to note that having great Venus-Mars synastry doesn't guarantee a relationship, let alone a harmonious or enduring one.

Individual preferences and desires for love and sex can differ significantly and are best understood through a careful analysis of natal charts.

For example, I've noticed a pattern in my own long-term relationships – Venus in a tight opposition to Mars, where I play the role of Mars. On the flip side, when I'm the Venus, I sometimes find that the Mars individual's attraction feels a bit too assertive for my taste :)

The following description provides a general overview of the energy, keeping in mind that personal experiences may vary.

Venus Conjunct Mars in Synastry

The Venus-Mars conjunction in synastry is one of the most coveted aspects, as it represents the coming together of the planet of love and the planet of passion. This aspect is commonly found in long-lasting relationships, where the two individuals feel like they are two halves of a whole, completing each other in a way that feels natural and effortless.

One of the first things that often stands out with the Venus-Mars conjunction is a strong physical attraction. There is usually an intense chemistry between the two individuals that can be felt in a visceral way. It's not uncommon for these couples to describe feeling drawn to each other's scent or to have a heightened sense of smell when they are together. This is because Venus and Mars are both connected to our senses and physical desires.

In addition to a strong physical connection, the Venus-Mars conjunction often indicates that two people have similar or complementary styles when it comes to love and relationships. This helps them to be passionate, affectionate, and openly expressive about their feelings. They may share common interests and values that make them feel like they are on the same page.

The conjunction can also indicate two people who have very different styles that complement each other. One person may be more romantic and nurturing, while the other is more assertive and direct. Together, they can create a dynamic that balances each other out and brings out the best in each other.

Overall, the Venus-Mars conjunction is a powerful aspect in synastry that can indicate a strong and lasting physical attraction, out-of-this-world sex, and a dynamic partnership that feels natural and fulfilling.

Venus Trine/Sextile Mars in Synastry

Venus trine or sextile Mars in Synastry

The Venus-Mars trine and sextile aspects in synastry are also highly desirable and can indicate a strong attraction between two people. While not as intense as the conjunction, these aspects bring a comfortable and lasting spark to the relationship.

One of the key benefits of the trine and sextile is that they often bring together individuals who share a similar approach to love and relationships. They understand each other's needs and desires, making it easy to communicate and connect on a deeper level. These couples may share similar values, interests, and goals, creating a strong foundation for their partnership.

When it comes to physical attraction, the trine and sextile promise a high level of chemistry and spark. However, unlike the conjunction, this aspect is less likely to result in instant and intense attraction. Instead, the connection may build over time, leading to a more comfortable and natural feeling.

Sexually, the trine and sextile aspects also promise a harmonious and fulfilling experience. These couples are often attuned to each other's needs and desires, making it easy to please each other and maintain a lasting physical connection.

Overall, the Venus-Mars trine and sextile aspects in synastry bring a comfortable and lasting attraction between two people who share a similar approach to love and relationships. When in romantic relationship, they create a fulfilling and harmonious partnership that stands the test of time.

Venus Opposition Mars in Synastry

The Venus-Mars opposition in synastry is a powerful aspect that often creates an intense attraction between two individuals. This aspect can be even stronger than the conjunction in some cases, as the polarity between Venus and Mars creates a push-and-pull dynamic that keeps igniting the passion and chemistry between the two.

At first, the attraction between people with a Venus-Mars opposition can feel like a challenge. The differences between their styles of love and desire can create tension and conflict, but this dynamic can also be very exciting and magnetic. The opposition can create a spark that keeps reigniting the passion between the two, even after the initial honeymoon phase has passed.

One of the key characteristics of the Venus-Mars opposition is that it often indicates two people with very different styles when it comes to love and relationships. One person may be more focused on emotional connection and intimacy, while the other is more driven by physical attraction and excitement. This can create a dynamic where each person feels like they are completing the other, even if their approaches to love are very different.

Despite the potential for tension and some conflict, the Venus-Mars opposition can create an intense, lasting attraction. The polarity between Venus and Mars can bring a sense of balance to the relationship, with each person providing what the other needs, energetic wise. The opposition often indicates a strong physical attraction and sexual chemistry that can be difficult to resist.

Overall, the Venus-Mars opposition is a dynamic aspect in synastry that can create an intense attraction between two people with very different styles of love and desire. The push-and-pull dynamic can create tension and excitement, but it can also lead to a lasting attraction that feels natural and fulfilling.

Venus Square or Semi-Square Mars in Synastry

The Venus-Mars square and semi-square in synastry can be a challenging aspect, as it represents a clash between the planet of love and the planet of passion. However, this aspect is not always negative, and in fact, it can indicate a strong attraction that has intense energy.

When two people have the Venus-Mars square or semi-square aspect in their charts, there is often a feeling of tension or friction between them. They may have different ways of expressing themselves when it comes to love and passion, which can lead to conflicts or misunderstandings. However, this tension can also create a dynamic that is both exciting and intense.

Sexual attraction can be a big part of this aspect, and the energy between the two individuals can be electric. However, there may be some challenges when it comes to expressing this attraction or finding common ground when it comes to physical intimacy. This is because Venus and Mars represent different aspects of our desires, with Venus representing our need for intimacy and connection, while Mars represents our primal instincts and sexual drive. These couple may have completely different likes in sex, but one might give in to the other's style because the drive and attraction are intense.

Despite the challenges, and even because of them, this aspect can indicate a strong potential for growth and transformation in the relationship. The tension between the two individuals can inspire them to work through their differences and learn from each other. This can lead to a deeper understanding of themselves and each other, as well as a greater appreciation for their unique qualities, if they communicate well.

Overall, the Venus-Mars square or semi-square aspect can be a challenging but exciting aspect in synastry. It can indicate a strong attraction and intense energy, but also a need for patience and understanding when it comes to expressing this attraction. While not as comfortable as the trine, sextile or conjunction aspects, it can still be a powerful indication of chemistry and potential for growth in a relationship.

Venus Inconjunct Mars in Synastry

The Venus-Mars inconjunct or quincunx aspect in synastry is one of the more challenging aspects, as it involves two planets that have different styles and preferences. This aspect may indicate that two people have very different interests and approaches when it comes to love and sex.

At first glance, it may seem like there is no common ground between these individuals. They may have different values, beliefs, and ways of expressing their affection. However, despite these differences, there is still a connection between them. The inconjunct aspect suggests that the link between Venus and Mars is there, even if it's not immediately apparent.

These couples may find that they have to work harder to understand each other and find ways to compromise. They may need to communicate more openly and honestly than other couples, as misunderstandings can easily arise. However, if they are willing to put in the effort, they may find that they can learn a lot from each other.

While the Venus-Mars inconjunct aspect can be challenging, it's not necessarily a deal-breaker. Some couples with this aspect in their charts may find that they are attracted to each other precisely because of their differences, but in these cases, other factors that imply sexual chemistry will be present in their synastry. They may find that they complement each other well, with one person bringing passion and spontaneity to the relationship, while the other brings stability and emotional depth.

However, it's important to note that not all couples with this aspect will be able to make it work. If the differences between these individuals are too great, they may find that they cannot find a common ground, and the relationship may not last. In these cases, it's important to recognize that it's okay to move on and find someone who is a better match.

Overall, the Venus-Mars inconjunct aspect can be challenging. It requires more effort and understanding than some of the other aspects. If both partners are willing to work at it, and if other factors in their synastry support their sexual connection, they may find that they have a unique and fulfilling connection that is worth the effort.


Trying to understand how your Venus-Mars combination plays out? Why not consult a professional? has top-notch astrologers who can help you make sense of your chart. Select the highest-rated professionals, and get your first 5-minute call for just $1! Definitely worth a shot.

intimate moment of a loving couple cuddling


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1 Comment

Max R.
Max R.
Jul 15

My moon is in Pisces and I try to avoid conflict at all costs. My partner though has his Mars in Aries so he's super competitive and never wants to back down from an argument. We've got our moons and Mars conjunct which creates a lot of tension between us. On top of that the Moon square Venus synastry aspect. So I'm super emotional and sensitive while he just wants to win every fight. It's definitely caused issues in the past. The one thing we've got going for us is that our Saturns are conjunct. I think that's what keeps the relationship grounded because we're both pretty serious.

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